Successful kick-off cooperation Be-Mobile and Beijer Automotive

Veröffentlicht: 3 Februar 2017

Interreg logo_247x71flag_yellow_106x71On 31 January the kick-off of the innovation project Car-sensor Enhanced Mobility and Safety System (CEMSS) took place, a cooperation between the Belgian Be-Mobile and Beijer Automotive. Be-Mobile intends to use the vehicle sensor data from Beijer to bring the accuracy of its own applications to a higher level.

Thus, for example, Flitsmeister users can be informed of a breakdown event which is detected with the aid of vehicle sensor data. But also driver alertness can be distracted and possibly result in a warning to the driver.

The CEMSS project is part of ‘CrossRoads2’ which aims to stimulate sustainable cross-border cooperation on promising innovation projects of KMO/MKB businesses in Flanders and the southern Netherlands, financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund. More information:

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